Purchasing Licenses
- Cancellation & Refund Policy
- Do I need to pay for a personal license again each year?
- Which grade levels are available?
- I want to talk to a person / How do I contact someone?
- Is Simplify Writing® aligned to Common Core, TEKS, or Florida B.E.S.T.? What about other states?
- Where can I find a scope and sequence?
- How can I get a quote for a school purchase?
- Is the curriculum research-based?
- Can I create a DonorsChoose project for Simplify Writing®️?
- Where can I find curriculum samples?
- School Order Terms and Conditions
- How do I get a copy of your W-9?
- What is your name in our vendor system?
- Are you a member of a national purchasing cooperative?
- Do you accept Class Wallet funds?